Turn Wifi off when not needed to conserve power e.g. use a Time context to turn wifi off at night. Tasker does not check high-power contexts until all lower-power contexts in the same profile are active. You can use this to reduce power consumption. For instance, if you use the Wifi Near state to detect coming home, you could add a Location

Step-Throughs & How-Tos - Tasker Wiki This page contains several How-Tos related to Tasker. Not every entry contains a profile to download so each profile and task must be entered manually. Technical battery widget using Linux/shell and Tasker (Noob-Proof!) Turn WiFi on at Home; Variable Splits Sets Lists Flashes Clearing & More! (Noob-Proof!) Return to the Tasker home page Enabling WiFi hotspot with Android 10 : tasker So you use Tasker to trigger Ok Google, wait 2 seconds, then have Tasker say "Turn on wifi hotspot". Nice trick. Personally, I won't use Ok Google for privacy reasons. So I would look into adb commands and using appops to give Tasker the permission to toggle WiFi. Tasker for Android

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Home Tasker Tasker - timers, how to do this correctly. 15/08/2016. screen arguments, but having such thing on is not always desired for many reasons. Motives apart I will use this, and turn off wifi if not connected to show you how to deal with timers correctly. TASKER PROFILE: Turn OFF WiFi - notifications [spoiler]

15 Best Tasker Profiles for Your Android 2020 (Beginner Level)

Aug 06, 2014 · To start, purchase and install both Tasker and the free Secure Settings plug-in. Next, open up Tasker and click on the profile tab. Then click on the "+" in the lower right. Then, choose State. Next, choose Net and then WiFi Connected. This tells Tasker that you want to create a profile that will run whenever you connect to a particular WiFi. Tasker Week: Utilize NFC Triggers! You get home knowing fine well that one of the first things to do will be to turn on your PC, you’ll have to wait for it to boot, but what if you computer